The Center of Excellence iN weather & climate Analytics
Designated an NYSTAR Center of Excellence (COE) in 2015, UAlbany's Center of Excellence in Weather & Climate Analytics is the State’s entrepreneurial hub for a network of over 120 weather and climate faculty, researchers, and research staff based at UAlbany. UAlbany’s COE catalyzes research and development to accelerate Weather and Climate Innovations for utilities, agriculture, renewable energy, emergency management, logistics, UAV transportation, etc.
The University at Albany’s Atmospheric Sciences Research Center is home to world-class researchers studying the physical and chemical processes of the atmosphere, land, and water system. Research and Development at ASRC span scientific areas including renewable energy; advanced sensor design and development; laboratory and field measurements; remote sensing of the environment; air quality forecasting; climate change; high-performance computing; data analytics; artificial intelligence (machine learning); and scientific visualization.
NYS Mesonet
The New York State Mesonet is the centerpiece of New York’s Early Warning Weather Detection system, a network of 126 weather stations across the state, with at least one site in every county and borough. The mission of the New York State Mesonet (NYSM) is to serve the state of New York by providing the best meteorological data, the best products, and the best services possible with the goal of saving lives and property while building a smart weather economy.
The University at Albany’s Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences is a world-class department offering the highest quality academic programs that train and prepare tomorrow’s weather & climate experts. The synoptic-dynamic program is supported by a fully equipped state-of-the-art electronic Map Room, including displays of live satellite, radar, other observational data, and model forecasts from around the world.
xcite Laboratory
The xCITE Laboratory is a state-of-the-art data and visual analytics laboratory specializing in software development, scientific visualization, and machine learning applications. The xCITE laboratory serves as a core facility for the COE and works closely with researchers and private weather partners in the design, development, and implementation of solutions using a multidisciplinary approach to research & development, research to operations, and research to business.
Whiteface mountain observatory
The Atmospheric Sciences Research Center's Whiteface Mountain Field Station was established on February 16, 1961, by the State University of New York. The mission of the research at the Whiteface Mountain observatory is to enhance our fundamental understanding of the chemical and physical nature of the atmosphere and to apply that knowledge to study the interaction of chemical, physical, geological, and biological processes impacting our environment.
Calibration Laboratory
The New York State Mesonet (NYSM) Calibration Laboratory facilitates the calibration of surface and profiler sensing equipment. Over time, weather sensors can degrade and fail to measure accurately or precisely. Regular "calibration" of most sensors is needed in order to retain high-quality data collection. The NYSM Calibration Laboratory enables accurate, rapid testing and calibration of sensors without the need for outsourcing, thereby saving time and money.